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A minha apresentação no evento DAFM / SKAP em Estocolmo, hoje (PDF): uma perspetiva futurista sobre o criador, o consumidor e a atividade intermédia (vídeo também)

just a quick update: here is the PDF.  More details about this event, aqui

Dropbox low res 7MB

Dropbox high res 28MB

Owncloud low res PDF

Update: here is the video, via vimeo (nice recording, too)


To: Robert Levine: this is NOT a copyright symbol at the bottom of my slides: it's my TWITTER HANDLE.  Relax:) All my stuff is creative-commons licensed.  I grant you, however, that it looks a lot like (c) – will make it more obvious in the future.

Update: be sure to watch this video on ‘music like water' as well





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