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A minha apresentação de hoje na Singularity University NL em Amesterdão: ética na era da mudança exponencial

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Descarregamento direto (mesmo ficheiro) ética na era da mudança exponencial gerd leonhard SUNL keynote

Mais informações sobre este evento aqui. Agradecimentos a Yuri van Geest por me ter convidado.

Alguns dos principais diapositivos, abaixo.

ethics in the age of exponential change gerd leonhard SUNL keynote.002 ethics in the age of exponential change gerd leonhard SUNL keynote.006 ethics in the age of exponential change gerd leonhard SUNL keynote.009 ethics in the age of exponential change gerd leonhard SUNL keynote.011 ethics in the age of exponential change gerd leonhard SUNL keynote.019 ethics in the age of exponential change gerd leonhard SUNL keynote.023 ethics in the age of exponential change gerd leonhard SUNL keynote.024 ethics in the age of exponential change gerd leonhard SUNL keynote.026 ethics in the age of exponential change gerd leonhard SUNL keynote.030 ethics in the age of exponential change gerd leonhard SUNL keynote.031 ethics in the age of exponential change gerd leonhard SUNL keynote.033





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