Novo: Experimente o meu bot de IA novo filme

Eis o aspeto de uma apresentação em linha de 40 minutos com fundos virtuais do Zoom

Eis o aspeto de uma apresentação em linha de 40 minutos com fundos virtuais do Zoom

A new experience - no more slides!

I’ve invested quite a bit of time and resources into setting up my streaming studio, here in Zürich. During the process I realized that I need to ditch making / using slides (keynote or ppt), and focus on virtual backgrounds using Zoom, Manycam, Streamyard, OBS etc – whatever platform is required. I really like the weather-man effect which is quote unique (for now) – the video quality still leaves a lot to be desired tho:)  Would love your feedback!

View the entire playlist with my digital conferences and keynote.

Watch the entire event, with q&a (hit the play button, below)

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