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O futuro das apresentações está aqui: O Future Show AO VIVO

During the past few years, I have been thinking a lot about how to make my keynotes even more immersive, more interactive, more personal… and more like an experience. Working with my art director Jean Francois Cardella – who will join me for all TFS Live shows, going forward – I have finally found a new format I really like: The Future Show LIVE.  This is a fully interactive, highly produced and ultra-immersive show that really grabs your audience and offers an unforgettable experience.  Read more about it aqui.

For now, TFS Live can be booked on these topics, starting January 2017:  a) technology versus humanity  b) the digital transformation of society and business c) artificial intelligence, cognitive computing and robotics. Ping my office to start a conversation!

Here is our brand-new trailer!  Download the HD version approx. 150MB MP4 aqui.


Below is the entire video of The Future Show LIVE at SIBOS 2016. Note that most locations will not use this setup in terms of audience placement. More on our SIBOS event aqui

The Future Show LIVE - The Future of Keynotes





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