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Encontre-me a 22 de outubro em Zurique: debate com Andrew Keen sobre privacidade

What does privacy mean in a connected world?

Tuesday 22 October, 7.00pm until 9.00pm, Zunftsaal, Blue Monkey, Zunfthaus zur Schneidern. Stüssihofstatt 3 – 8001 Zürich

From Google and Facebook to Government surveillance, our data is being mined behind our backs. But should we be surprised? When the product is free, we should realize we (in the form our data) are the product. Is surrendering our personal data and privacy the price of entry to gain access to free content (freemium)? And if we’re doing nothing wrong, do we mind what others know about us? Or is ditching freemium for premium, paid-for-content the way to regain control over our data and our privacy? Given that all business is based on confidence, how can consumers and corporations forge trusting relationships in the networked society? Are ‘the crowds’ being empowered or not? What’s the future role of social media
 and old media? Or are both trust and privacy dead? Is that what we call the price of progress?




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