Novo: Experimente o meu bot de IA novo filme

Aqui está a apresentação com os meus diapositivos do Google Atmosphere em Santiago do Chile, hoje

Finalmente, é bom estar no Chile!

Aqui está o meu baralho, como prometido:)

Atmosfera Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Futuro do trabalho e das empresas PUBLIC DECK-web  PDF 10 MB

E como sempre... alguns best of's

Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.003 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.006 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.010 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.011 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.013 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.018 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.019 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.022 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.028 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.031





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