Novo: Experimente o meu bot de IA novo filme

Como o bot-to-bot poderá em breve substituir as API - tendência importante

“By now it’s clear that bots will cause a major paradigm shift in customer service, e-commerce, and, quite frankly, all aspects of software-to-human interaction.

De momento, o estado da arte dos bots é bot-to-consumer, ou seja, bots que comunicam com humanos. Mas, em breve, os bots começarão a falar com outros bots. Entra a era bot-to-bot.

Imagine that a bot — let’s call her Annie — needs to answer a question from a customer but lacks information from her own backend systems. Annie is powered with artificial intelligence and spontaneously decides to reach out to another bot to get the information she needs. Annie aggregates the information and delivers it back to the customer.”

Como o bot-to-bot poderá em breve substituir as API
via Instapaper

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