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A publicidade não consegue manter a Internet. Aqui está a solução do "molho secreto". Via Evonomics e David Brin

“Andrew Keene asserts in The Internet is not the Answer, our vaunted digital connections aren’t serving average folk. His complaint can be summarized:

1. As falhas de segurança estão a destruir a nossa capacidade de confiar nos processos da Internet.

2. Many elites who formerly were daunted by the Net’s empowerment of individualism – especially leaders of non-democratic nations — now view it as a tool of control.

3. O mundo em linha está repleto de novas formas de dependência, contra as quais o ser humano tem poucas imunidades.

4. The advertising model for how to pay for just about every service online is flawed, cumbersome, invasive and unsustainable over the long run.”

Advertising Cannot Maintain the Internet. Here's the “Secret Sauce” Solution. – Evonomics
via Instapaper




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