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Vídeo da minha nova palestra virtual: 10 Key Future Foresights, HD no Youtube

Here's the Video of my new Virtual Keynote: 10 Key Future Foresights, HD on Youtube

Gerd Leonhard's 10 Essential Future Foresights

Update June 23: Here is the video of my talk from yesterday

Neste totally redesigned virtual keynote I share 10 key foresights on our immediate, in/post-crisis future: BigTech, BigHealth …BigState?  I am streaming in HD, directly to YT using my ATEM Mini Pro video mixer, several BlackMagic Cameras as well as some decent studio lights and green-screens. Presenting online is a whole different cup of tea:).


Download the MP4 720p 3.5 GB

In this talk, I am share my key foresights, such as:

  • A ‘United States of Europe’ is coming (and why that’s a good thing)
  • Following a deep crisis and deep conflict in 2020, the U.S. will experience a new renaissance (yes I know, hard to imagine)
  • Climate change adaptation & mitigation will become the dominant global narrative, vastly eclipsing covid19 in terms of impact (think ‘the end of oil’)
  • A new kind of social / sustainable capitalism is emerging: people, planet, purpose and prosperity. A global shift from shareholder to stakeholder value is near.
  • Technology regulation will become as important as environmental regulation

Download the mobile file (480p, 1.2 GB)

The future cannot be PREDICTED - it can only be intuited, and created

O future cannot be PREDICTED – it can only be INTUITED (sensed) and CREATED. The future is not something that just happens to us; it is something we make. I propose to stop asking ‘what will the future bring’ and instead start to explore what future we want (our preferred future), and how we can best go about creating it.


Exponential technological advances in almost every aspect of our lives means that we are heading into a future that will no longer be about IF or HOW, but about WHY and WHO. Almost everything will become possible in the next 30 years, and thus our challenge is to define what we want to be rather than what we can be. Especially during these times of great turmoil and utter uncertainty it is crucial to develop solid and actionable ‘hunches’ (aka FORESIGHTS) about the future. And being good at foresight is probably more of an art than a science – after all, it is only intuition and imagination that can take us beyond mere facts & logic (which is, btw, what machines do best:)

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” Steve Jobs

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