Novo: Experimente o meu bot de IA novo filme

IA: boa ou má para a humanidade? Estreia da nova temporada de The World by 2030. Os futuristas Anton Musgrave e Gerd Leonhard.

We are back for season 2! Previous shows are here.

Watch our short Trailer 4: O mundo em 2030 featuring Anton Musgrave and me.

Please join us on Sept 6th, 2023, at 5 pm CET | 8 am PST for the YouTube premiere of Season 2, and the new live show #worldby2030 on AI: Good or Bad 4 Humanity with our NEW virtual studio design and 5 really great shows on the future, mostly on inteligência artificial e tecnologia vs humanidade. The YT link will be same so be sure to hit the NOTIFY bell.

We will watch it together and then meet on Zoom to have a chat and take your live questions. Join us to be part of the discussion and don't miss out on the chance to ask your important questions. Please sign up here (yes it's free) if you want to be part of the call. * max 100 guests can join us.

In the meantime, get inspired by watching :




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* indica a necessidade
último livro