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Versões em inglês e turco da minha palestra no Future Day Istanbul 3/1/2014: ser humano numa sociedade digital

This is the ENGLISH language i.e. original version of my talk at the March 1 2014 Future Day in Istanbul. You can download the slides aqui.

‘Intelligent machines’ are increasingly interconnecting. The Internet of Things is imminent, with sensor networks and mobile devices connecting everyone and everything everywhere in the near future., Singularity’ – the moment of when machines become as capable as humans – is quickly becoming a buzzword that rivals Social Media. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is certain to play a role everywhere, and robots are dropping in price dramatically while gaining quickly in functionality and skills. Exponential technological progress is evident everywhere – but how will we – as linear beings – cope with this increasing empowerment of software and machines, the tremendous gain in the flow of real-time information, and the far-reaching implications that these developments will have? How will we keep up with thousands of real-time datafeeds, the ever-increasing volume, variety and depth of input, the tsunami of incoming communications and the rapidly improving smartness – and increasingly deep intelligence – of software, devices and machines? Will humans need to be ‘augmented’, soon, in order to keep up, and if so, where will this take us? What will happen to our ethics in a world of ultra-smart intelligent agents, artificial intelligence and the coming ‘trans-humanism’?

Descarregar os diapositivos aqui

APOLOGIES – the previously posted English-only video actually featured the Turkish overdub, as well, so here is the correct – plain English – version, finally

TURKISH translation version (overdub / translation starts at 2.45 mins)





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