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A Inteligência Artificial e o Futuro do Trabalho Humano - A intervenção de Gerd Leonhard no Steering Education 2023 em Riga (vídeo completo)

Gerd Leonhard, Heather McGowane Elina Hiltunen filled a day with inspiration at the “Steering Education: From Engagement to Empowerment” forum. They spoke of transformative insights to reshape your understanding of human potential, organizational adaptability, and the future of learning. 

Gerd contributed a very unique speech on the future of adult learning, training, and skills and the futuro do trabalho in this new era of inteligência artificial.

You can download this video via VIMEO

And here are the ‘slides' i.e. the graphics I used:

My recent talk on EDUCATION in Montreal, Canada

You can also listen to Gerd's speech on SoundCloud




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