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PDF mit meiner heutigen Präsentation in Istanbul: Die Zukunft der Mobilität und des Automobils

Hier ist mein Deck, wie angekündigt - viel Spaß!

Zukunft der Mobilität Automotive Gerd Leonhard Keynote Speaker Public-web  PDF 10 MB

Future of Mobility Automotive Gerd Leonhard Keynote Speaker Public.004 Future of Mobility Automotive Gerd Leonhard Keynote Speaker Public.006 Future of Mobility Automotive Gerd Leonhard Keynote Speaker Public.007 Future of Mobility Automotive Gerd Leonhard Keynote Speaker Public.009 Future of Mobility Automotive Gerd Leonhard Keynote Speaker Public.013 Future of Mobility Automotive Gerd Leonhard Keynote Speaker Public.015 Future of Mobility Automotive Gerd Leonhard Keynote Speaker Public.019 Future of Mobility Automotive Gerd Leonhard Keynote Speaker Public.021 Future of Mobility Automotive Gerd Leonhard Keynote Speaker Public.024 Future of Mobility Automotive Gerd Leonhard Keynote Speaker Public.033 Future of Mobility Automotive Gerd Leonhard Keynote Speaker Public.041 Future of Mobility Automotive Gerd Leonhard Keynote Speaker Public.047 Future of Mobility Automotive Gerd Leonhard Keynote Speaker Public.048 Future of Mobility Automotive Gerd Leonhard Keynote Speaker Public.053





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