GTDC 2023 In this wide-ranging talk, I discuss the future of IT, including artificial intelligence, and how organizations can leverage the power of technology for...
Auf dem Weg in die gute Zukunft: Eine neue Podcast-Episode mit dem Futuristen Gerd Leonhard, für die Singularity University
with Steven Parton via The Feedback Loop | Singularity Podcasts “In this episode, Gerd's ideas put forth in his book Technology vs Humanity are explored,...
Juni 2023
Zukunftsforscher Gerd Leonhards Top 20 Memes, Kernaussagen: Vertrauen ist nicht digital, Glück ist kein Download!
Above: Arthur C. Clarke on ‘the hazards of trying to predict the future' – one of my favourite quotes! Watch the whole thing here. We...
Juli 2019
Neues Video: die besten Momente aus Gerd Leonhards Keynotes und Präsentationen 2017 in einem Clip (AI, TechvsHuman, Digital Transformation ++)
I am delighted to announce the publication of a new short film featuring the best moments from over 100 keynotes during the past 2 years...
Okt 2017
Gemeinsame Keynote-Präsentation: KI, denkende Maschinen und die Zukunft der Menschheit (Futurist Gerd)
I am trying out a new feature of Apple Keynote – shared public presentations (download for Apple Keynote users only). All images and the file...
Apr 2017
Hier sind 100+ meiner besten kürzlich verwendeten Folien
Feel free to use them, based on my creative commons attribution non-commercial license 🙂 ... Weiterlesen ...
Sep 2016
Mein neuester Newsletter wurde soeben verschickt: von morgen bis heute (Ausgabe #11)
Read and / or subscribe here From Tomorrow to Today: Futurist Gerd Leonhard's Best Reads and Links Futurist and Humanist. Global Keynote Speaker. Author. Film-Maker....
Sep 2016
Nehmen Sie an der Buchvorstellung von Technology vs. Humanity am 8. September 2016 in London teil!
Location still tbd (central London), but you can now sign up here. It's a free event but seating is limited so… sign up quickly !...
August 2016
Wie Bot-to-Bot bald APIs ersetzen könnte - wichtiger Trend
“By now it’s clear that bots will cause a major paradigm shift in customer service, e-commerce, and, quite frankly, all aspects of software-to-human interaction.For the...
Juni 2016
Künstliche Intelligenz ist weit davon entfernt, dem Menschen ebenbürtig zu sein, sagt ein Gremium...ABER (via NYT)
“Kate Crawford, a principal researcher at Microsoft Research, called on the industry to add ethics to the professional training of engineers. “We need to start...
Mai 2016
KI-Startups erfinden die Medien neu (sehr lesenswert über Wired)
“Last year, Associated Press announced that the majority of its earnings reports will eventually be written with AI-enabled software. While the company argues it will...
Mai 2016
In der Popkultur ist die Zukunft fast schon Gegenwart - guter Punkt zu Science-Fiction-Filmen
“Many new works of science fiction seem to represent a strain of pre-apocalyptic cinema, characterized by a willingness to dramatize disasters that are less hypothetical...
Mai 2016
Wenn etwas die Menschheit zerstören wird, dann ist es eine dieser Katastrophen
“As new gene editing techniques such as CRISPR make it simpler and cheaper to change organisms, there's more of a risk of accidental release of...
Mai 2016
Willkommen im neuen Feudalismus - mit Silicon Valley als Oberherrn | Evgeny Morozov
“Advertising might have been a necessary evil to get these companies off the ground, but there is no reason to stick with it for ever,...
Mai 2016
Man kann der Datenüberwachung in Amerika nicht entkommen (via The Atlantic)
“We peer into a future where our software spies on us, our data defines us, and our hardware reinforces existing power imbalances. What’s slowing it...
Mai 2016
Mark Zuckerberg glaubt, dass die KI den Menschen im nächsten Jahrzehnt übertreffen wird
“Zuckerberg sees bots stepping in for customer service reps and personal assistants. "One way that I think you're going to see bots work, between people...
Apr 2016
Die Bedrohungen, über die sich Forscher im Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz tatsächlich Sorgen machen - gut gelesen
“A.I. safety researchers strongly disagree: There is no reason to believe that we will be able to control generally intelligent, let alone superintelligent, systems. In...