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Die Zukunft von Werbung und Marketing (neue Bilderserie auf Flickr)

Dies sind einige Szenen aus meiner jüngsten Präsentation auf dem IAA India 'Future Ready' Workshop in Mumbai.

Laden Sie die PDF-Datei mit niedriger Auflösung (20 MB, 90 Folien) herunter: IAA MUMBAI Gerd Leonhard Gemeinsame Präsentation-email


The Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard
The Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard
The Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard
The Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard

Einige Szenen aus meiner jüngsten Präsentation auf der IAA Mumbai





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