Nuevo: Prueba mi robot de inteligencia artificial nueva película

Tim Cook (Apple) habla de tecnología y humanidad: fascinante discurso en la ceremonia de graduación del MIT de 2017. wow.

“When technological advancement can go up so exponentially I do think there’s a risk of losing sight of the fact that tech should serve humanity, not the other way around”

Tim Cook dice que Apple no está atrasada en inteligencia artificial (MIT technology review)

I am 1000% behind everything Tim says. Mind-boggling overlaps with the key messages en mi nuevo libro…!

First watch Tim's speech:

Now, watch my short film “Technology vs Humanity – the future is already here” (2017 Barcelona). Do you feel a connection?

Now, watch my keynote on Beyond business as usual (IoT World Forum 2017).






* indica necesario
último libro