“Such virtual reality headgear are staples of science fiction movies. In “Demolition Man,” Sylvester Stallone and Sandra Bullock use them to have virtual sex (it...
¿HBO Go sin necesidad de cable? Bienvenidos al futuro de la televisión (buenas reflexiones a través de The Guardian)
From channels to platforms…! Broadcasting converges with Boadbanding:) see my illustrations below. I do think that, outside of the US, it's more about cable-nevers than...
Sep 2014
¿Sabías que tenías diabetes? Está por todas partes en Internet (lectura interesante vía Bloomberg)
This is a good read on a topic I have been looking at very closely – which personal information can be used online for what...
Sep 2014
Los 2 mejores conceptos de los bestsellers de Malcolm Gladwell (adaptado de BusinessInsider)
Via BusinessInsider: Malcolm Gladwell’s first two bestsellers, The Tipping Point and Blink, earned him a place onTime’s 2005 “Most Influential People” list; and with Outliers, the “10,000 Hour” theory made its...
Ago 2014
Why Higher Education Cannot Resist Disruptive Change (algo interesante que acabo de leer)
“This brings us to the future of higher education. Its situation is much the same as that of the news media. Content, often of high...
Ago 2014
Darwinismo digital: Transforming a Business in The Selfie Era (buen artículo de Brian Solis, gran informe gratuito)
Brian Solis: To help understand what digital transformation is as well as its promise, I spent the last year along with my colleagues at Altimeter...
Ago 2014
El conocimiento se duplica cada 12 meses, pronto será cada 12 horas (algunas estadísticas bastante sorprendentes vía IndustryTap)
Some pretty amazing stats here (even though this is from 2013:) Buckminster Fuller created the “Knowledge Doubling Curve”; he noticed that until 1900 human knowledge...
Jul 2014
Jeffrey Bezos, próximo propietario del Washington Post, aspira a una nueva "era dorada" en el periódico (Gerd's must-reads)
“We’ve had three big ideas at Amazon that we’ve stuck with for 18 years, and they’re the reason we’re successful: Put the customer first. Invent....
Jun 2014
El apocalipsis robot se parecerá mucho a este juego (una buena lectura compartida por Gerd)
“How can you not be freaked out by the real, tangible progress in robotics from DARPA and Boston Dynamics?” Hattem asks. “Imagine all the crazy...
Jun 2014
Después de Aereo, ¿qué sigue para la televisión por Internet? (una buena lectura compartida por Gerd)
“While the content on the major broadcast networks is very important for some people, it’s not important for everyone,” Niemeyer said. “So it’s a dent,...
Jun 2014
ProtonMail es un proveedor suizo de correo seguro que no te delatará ante la NSA | TechCrunch (una buena lectura compartida por Gerd)
“One of our goals is actually to build a system that does not require trusting us,” he said. “We’ve taken the first step with our...
Jun 2014
Un informe estadounidense prevé que el calentamiento global afectará gravemente a la economía (vía NYT): ¿Se está produciendo por fin el cambio del ego al eco?
Interesting to see that now that Global Warming (or rather, its consequences) has become a serious business issue, everyone is much more open to discussing...
Jun 2014
Un nuevo proyecto pretende introducir el cerebro de una abeja en un insectobot volador en 2015 (una buena lectura compartida por Gerd)
“Every once in a while, there’s news which reminds us that we’re living in the age of accelerating change. This is one of those times:...
Jun 2014
Diseñar para perturbar: Four visionaries (una buena lectura compartida por Gerd)
“Gerd Leonhard (Download his slides.) Thinking out of the box is extremely different when you have been crammed into the box in the first place. According...
Jun 2014
10 tecnologías alucinantemente futuristas que aparecerán en la década de 2030 (buena lista vía IO9)
A good list via the pretty cool IO9 ‘we come from the future' site. Here is their list and my brief comments: Artificial intelligence assistants (a clear...
Jun 2014
10 tecnologías futuristas alucinantes que aparecerán en la década de 2030 (una buena lectura compartida por Gerd)
“In short order we’ll be living in a Rainbow’s End world, where information processing devices will be virtually everywhere, but completely invisible — absorbed into...
Jun 2014
¿Nos despedirán a todos los robots? (una buena lectura compartida por Gerd)
“But there’s also this concern about jobs and I would also say inequality, which is related. For 200 years, the Luddites have been wrong in...
Jun 2014
El secreto de la creatividad, la inteligencia y el pensamiento científico (buena lectura, recién encontrada)
“knowledge alone is not useful unless we can make connections between what we know. Whether you use the terms “knowledge” and “experience” to explain the...