Event details. Thanks to Mercedes Benz Vans for asking me to speak and for making this video available me! This was a pretty amazing event,...
Nuevo vídeo con mi presentación en el Skanska FutureDay: Retos y oportunidades de la transformación digital
Brand-new video via my Youtube channel Download the slides here ... Leer más
Nov 2014
Un puñado de vídeos cortos sobre transformación digital (extractos breves de mi charla en la CA Expo de Sydney)
We just did a few very short ‘best of' – edits of my talk at CA Expo in Sydney, 2 weeks ago. Here they are – below....
Sep 2014
▶ Big Data y predicciones meteorológicas: interesante vídeo vía Intel.
via ▶ Big Data and Weather Predictions: Don't Get Caught in the Rain – YouTube. Interesting stats here but kinda full of the usual ‘big...
Ago 2014
Vídeo imprescindible: charla con los cofundadores de Google Larry Page y Sergey Brin con Vinod Khosla (vía The Verge)
Fireside chat with Google co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin with Vinod Khosla – YouTube. Will comment in more detail after I have digested the...
Jul 2014
Ya está disponible el episodio #4 de TheFutureShow: la próxima automatización de todo
The 4th episode of my new web-TV series ‘The Future Show (TFS) with Gerd Leonhard' was just released, on the juicy topic of ‘the automation of...
Jun 2014
Skype Translator de Microsoft traducirá las llamadas de voz sobre la marcha (a través de The Verge)
Microsoft's Skype Translator will translate voice calls on the fly | The Verge. I have talked about this for the past 3 years, and now...
Mayo de 2014
▶2 breves entrevistas de la BBC sobre el futuro de la televisión (Futurista Gerd en YouTube).
▶ Gerd Leonhard BBC Interview on the Future of Television – YouTube. These clips were recorded in NY in 2012. Thanks to the BBC for...
Abr 2014
Vídeo corto: entender la exponencialidad en una sociedad digital (Futurista Gerd Leonhard)
Understanding exponentiality in a digital society: Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard explains – YouTube. ... Leer más