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The Futures Agency apresenta (#3): uma conversa sobre o futuro da banca (com Rohit Talwar, Simon Torrance, Gerd Leonhard)

As you may know, I maintain a global network of some 30+ futurists that do speaking engagements, conferences, future ‘experiences' i.e. seminars and advisory sessions together, and individually. We always have a lot of interesting conversations when- and wherever we meet face-to-face, so we decided to record some of them and make them available to the public. This is #3 discussing the future of banks and financial services; all other ones are aqui.

This clip includes contributions by TFA members Rohit Talwar e Simon Torrance  and … me:)

Shot in London January 28th, 2015. Special thanks also to Claire at

via ▶ The Futures Agency presents: a conversation on the future of banking (Talwar, Torrance, Leonhard) #3 – YouTube.

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