“Compulsions are rarely harmless. The internet is not the opioid crisis; it is not likely to kill you (unless you’re hit by a distracted driver)...
Video: Gerd Leonhards Keynote zur digitalen Transformation und der Zukunft der Finanzdienstleistungen: DST Advance 2017
Now availalble ! More about the event and DST Systems here DST Digital Transformation Keynote Gerd Leonhard Public low res Some best-of slides:...
Mrz 2017
Dein tierisches Leben ist vorbei. Das maschinelle Leben hat begonnen. Der Weg zur Unsterblichkeit. Großartige Lektüre über den Guardian!
“In his early teens, Koene began to conceive of the major problem with the human brain in computational terms: it was not, like a computer,...
Mrz 2017
Video und Slide-Deck meiner DOTS2017-Keynote in Prag: Digitale Transformation, Menschlichkeit und Technologie - die Zukunft (aktualisiert)
This was a really great event here in Prague: DOTS 2017. I enjoyed hearing Satya Nadella speak about his vision on the future of Microsoft – exciting...
Mrz 2017
Der Like-Button hat das Internet ruiniert - und mich zum Nachdenken gebracht
“Newspapers and magazines used to have a rather coarse model of their audience. It used to be that they couldn’t be sure how many people...
Mrz 2017
Fünf neue Menschenrechte für das digitale Zeitalter (Auszug aus Gerd Leonhards Buch Technology vs Humanity)
This is a slightly modified and hyper-linked excerpt from my new book ‘Technology vs Humanity'. Find out more about ‘Technology vs Humanity', check out the reviews,...
Mrz 2017
Voice Is the Next Big Platform, and Alexa Will Own It (sehr lesenswert auf Backchannel)
“Amazon is introducing us to a new computing interface — a voice devoid of a screen—that will eventually grow to be more ubiquitous and more useful than...
Mrz 2017
Künstliche Intelligenz und Einkommensungleichheit (via HuffPo)
“Income inequality is a well recognized problem. The gap between the rich and poor has grown over the last few decades, but it became increasingly...
Mrz 2017
Interview mit Zukunftsforscher Gerd Leonhard: Schweizer Marketing Tag 2017 in Luzern: Technologie vs. Menschlichkeit
Thanks to Marketing Tag 2017 und an Susanne Wille (10 vor 10 @ SRF) Download my slides here Audio-only version of my keynote: ... Weiterlesen ...
Mrz 2017
Sind Sie bereit, sich einen Mikrochip einsetzen zu lassen? Ein Kurzfilm präsentiert von TFA Studio und FuturistGerd
Think about that. Download a high res MP4 version here (it's OK to use this clip under creative commons attribution non-commercial license) Art Director and...
Mrz 2017
Wie Künstliche Intelligenz alles verändern wird - gutes Interview im WSJ
“MR. JACOBSTEIN: Just since the beginning of 2017 we’ve seen a team at Northwestern develop an AI that could solve the Raven Progressive Matrices Test,...
Mrz 2017
In einem Roboter-Showdown könnte die Menschheit glücklich kapitulieren (Homo Deus-Buch) - Wird Intelligenz wichtiger sein als Bewusstsein?
As you can imagine I don't quite agree with that summary: intelligence matters more than consciousness??“But with robots making and killing things better than we...
Mrz 2017
Singapur: Die Roboterstadt - Raconteur
“This, he says, leads to a conveyor-belt approach – “people who were seen as residents, all of a sudden, they’re seen as consumers, as clients...
Mrz 2017
Mein Vortrag bei den UBA Trend Days in Brüssel: Technologie, Menschlichkeit, Zukunft - und was bedeutet das alles für das Marketing?
More details on the event here Here is the deck (20 MB PDF): Gerd Leonhard UBA Brussels Technology Humanity and Marketing Public low res ......
Mrz 2017
Ich habe das Web erfunden. Hier sind drei Dinge, die wir ändern müssen, um es zu retten | Tim Berners-Lee
“It’s too easy for misinformation to spread on the webToday, most people find news and information on the web through just a handful of social...
Mrz 2017
Our Bots, Ourselves - brillante Lektüre über The Atlantic
“In the coming decades, artificial intelligence will replace a lot of human jobs, from driving trucks to analyzing X-rays. But it will also work with...
Mrz 2017
Neues Video: Gespräche mit Gerd #4: Zukunftsforscher Gerd Leonhard erklärt die Megaschichten
The Megashifts are a key meme in my new book Technology vs Humanity – this video explains the basics. Go to www.megashifts.com for some more...
Mrz 2017
Folien und Video: mein Vortrag am Esprix Forum 2017 in Luzern: Humanity and Technology: Die Zukunft (in Deutsch)
… on my German blog Menschlichkeit der Technologie Zukunft Gerd Leonhard Esprix Luzern 2017 Public Deck low res ... Weiterlesen ...