Here is the deck, below (PDF 20MB), More about the event here. Business Technology and Digital Ethics Gerd Leonhard @Economist Innovation Forum Berlin 2017 Public...
Ein führender Ingenieur aus dem Silicon Valley erklärt, warum jeder Techniker eine geisteswissenschaftliche Ausbildung braucht (die Macht der Philosophie)
“It worries me that so many of the builders of technology today are people who haven’t spent time thinking about these larger questions.” Ruefully—and with...
Juni 2017
Die Meinung des Guardian zum Google-Urteil der EU: hart und fair - das hat mich zum Nachdenken gebracht!
“The breathtaking fine of €2.4bn that the European commission has imposed on Google for exploiting its virtual monopoly of search is shocking and welcome. It...
Juni 2017
Die Meinung des Guardian zum Google-Urteil der EU (Teil 1)
“The breathtaking fine of €2.4bn that the European commission has imposed on Google for exploiting its virtual monopoly of search is shocking and welcome. It...
Juni 2017
Sei wachsam, sei sehr wachsam (Tristan Harris Podcast)
“we should acknowledge that the psychology of our minds work in specific, predictable and persuadable ways with “big holes waiting for things to pop in.”...
Juni 2017
Lernen Sie Amazons neuen Echo Show kennen: Alexa schaut zu
“It has this wild new feature called Drop In. Drop In lets you give people permission to automatically connect with your device. Here’s how it...
Juni 2017
Die wahre Bedrohung durch künstliche Intelligenz - 5* gelesen von Kai-Fu Lee
“One way or another, we are going to have to start thinking about how to minimize the looming A.I.-fueled gap between the haves and the...
Juni 2017
Ungleichheit wird durch KI verstärkt - wichtige Links via Azeem Azhar
“Economic growth has gone hand in hand with rising inequality for more than 9,000 years. Inequalities have only narrowed through war or plague. History offers...
Juni 2017
Ist es unethisch, Roboter so zu gestalten, dass sie Menschen ähneln? Tolle Geschichte über Anthropomorphisierung
“And so the more we humanize chatbots, virtual assistants, and machines, the more we in turn display human emotions toward them. This is the process...
Juni 2017
Technologie, Menschlichkeit und die Zukunft von HR: mein Deck von der heutigen Keynote (HR Summit Milano)
Read more about the event here HR Summit Milano Technology Humanity HR Futures Gerd Leonhard Public low res 20 MB PDF ... Weiterlesen ...
Juni 2017
Die große Lektion von Amazon und Whole Foods: Disruptiver Wettbewerb kommt aus dem Nichts - Vivek Wadhwa
“Note the march of Amazon. First it was bookstores, publishing and distribution; then cleaning supplies, electronics and assorted home goods. Now Amazon is set to...
Juni 2017
Carmageddon is Coming - Future Crunch - sehr lesenswert via Medium
“An overlapping confluence of three different technological waves — the smartphone, the electric battery and artificial intelligence — have created the conditions for a technological disruption so profound it’s...
Juni 2017
"Google, nicht GCHQ, ist das wirklich abschreckende Spionagenetzwerk", sagt John Naughton (The Guardian)
“one of the spooks with whom I discussed Snowden’s revelations waxed indignant about our coverage of the story. What bugged him (pardon the pun) was...
Juni 2017
Warum Sie Ihre Energie verwalten sollten, nicht Ihre Zeit (via BBC)
“In the absence of clear indicators of what it means to be productive and valuable in their jobs, many workers turn back toward an industrial...
Juni 2017
Der Showdown zwischen Amazon und Walmart, der die moderne Wirtschaft erklärt / must read via NYT
“Each one is trying to become more like the other — Walmart by investing heavily in its technology, Amazon by opening physical bookstores and now...
Juni 2017
Ethische Innovation bedeutet, den Verbrauchern eine Stimme zu geben | WIRED
“Increasingly, the people and companies with the technological or scientific ability to create new products or innovations are de facto making policy decisions that affect...