“In an age of anxiety, the words sound so reassuring: predictive policing. The first half promises an awareness of events that have not yet occurred....
Mi carta abierta a la "Partnership on AI to benefit people and society" (Amazon, Google, Facebook, IBM, MSFT) acaba de publicarse en Wired UK.
Read it here and please spread the word ! Dear Francesca, Eric, Mustafa, Yann, Ralf, Demis and others at IBM, Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Amazon. The Partnership...
Oct 2016
Fantástica presentación de diapositivas sobre el futuro de los medios de comunicación: Activate 2017 Tech / Media Outlook (Michael Wolf)
Must-review for anyone, media or not ! A treasure chest! Digital gatekeepers will fare better than content media, analyst Michael Wolf says at WSJ...
Oct 2016
Mi presentación en Sachsen Digital en Dresde (Alemania)
is now available on my German site ... Leer más
Oct 2016
NUEVO vídeo y diapositivas del evento Basware 2016 en Helsinki: ¡lo suficientemente bueno ha muerto!
More about the event here Parrasvaloissa Gerd Leonhard : Key Note – Good enough is dead Yksi maailman arvostetuimmista futuristeista kääntää katseen tulevaisuuteen ja ravistelee ajatusmaailmaamme....
Oct 2016
¿Debería importarnos que tratemos a la tecnología como a una esclava?
“Consider for example the extent to which we have already abdicated the sovereignty of being human. Have you noticed, for example, your immediate distrust of...
Oct 2016
Aquí está mi presentación de la Cumbre Europea de Liderazgo de la HBA celebrada hoy en Leiden (Países Bajos): ¡el futuro ya está aquí!
More details about the event here. Keynote: “The future is already here: opportunities and challenges for the next five years: exponential technologies, leadership and the...
Oct 2016
Black Mirror realmente clava los temas clave del futuro cercano (tecnología vs humanidad)
I'm a huge fan – read this piece, and watch the clips below. Technology is a malevolent tool for dehumanization in ‘Black Mirror'… Created by Charlie...
Oct 2016
¿Estás preparado para abdicar de tu humanidad? Si no es así, lee mi nuevo libro "Tecnología vs. Humanidad".
Are ready to Abdicate Your Humanity? If not, read Technology vs. Humanity There are many stages in our love affair with technology, starting with the first...
Oct 2016
El futuro de las keynotes ya está aquí: The Future Show EN VIVO
During the past few years, I have been thinking a lot about how to make my keynotes even more immersive, more interactive, more personal… and...
Oct 2016
Aquí está la cubierta de mi presentación en Microsofts 2016 Partner Conference en Bremen, hoy (DPK16)
As promised, here's the deck! In German 🙂 More details on the event here Digitale Revolution – digitale Chancen Unter dem Motto „Digitale Revolution“ findet...
Oct 2016
Hay un punto ciego en la investigación sobre IA - buena lectura vía nature.com
“And just last month, several leading AI companies, including Microsoft, Amazon and IBM, formed the Partnership on AI to try to advance public understanding and...
Oct 2016
Las 4 grandes cuestiones éticas de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial - 5* leer
“If the technology is to go forward, how should it proceed?It matters how a technology is researched and how it enters the world. For example,...
Oct 2016
Barack Obama: Now Is the Greatest Time to Be Alive - lectura inspiradora
“The point is, we need today’s big thinkers thinking big. Think like you did when you were watching Star Trek or Star Wars or Inspector...
Oct 2016
Mi presentación en el evento Envestnet 2016 sobre Inteligencia Artificial, Automatización y el Futuro de los Servicios Financieros (Kerala, India).
Hers is the deck from the amazing Envestnet event in Trivandrum India today. This year, in the second edition of the Conference on Architecting Intelligence,we bring...
Oct 2016
Su próximo amigo podría ser un robot: ¡lectura obligada!
“t turns out that humans can form emotional bonds with a “social technology,” as these systems are called, without true artificial intelligence. People are good...
Oct 2016
Crash: cómo los ordenadores nos abocan al desastre | Tim Harford sobre los peligros de la automatización
“This problem has a name: the paradox of automation. It applies in a wide variety of contexts, from the operators of nuclear power stations to...
Oct 2016
Presentación y vídeo (NUEVO): ACEPI Portugal Digital Summit - el futuro de la humanidad y de los negocios (actualizado)
I always enjoy Lisbon and the Portuguese audience. More details on this event. Updated Dec 30, 2016 (better PDF) Future of Humanity Business Gerd Leonhard Portugal...