“Silicon Valley’s biggest failing is not poor marketing of its products, or follow-through on promises, but, rather, the distinct lack of empathy for those whose...
Der Tod ist optional | Edge.org. Faszinierendes Gespräch mit YUVAL NOAH HARARI und Daniel Kahnemann
“Once you really solve a problem like direct brain-computer interface ... when brains and computers can interact directly, that's it, that's the end of history,...
November 2016
Eine Schlüsselbotschaft aus meinem Film "Exponential Change": Alles, was nicht digitalisiert oder automatisiert werden kann, wird extrem wertvoll!
… and that means HUMAN-ONLY skills and idiosyncrasies Watch the entire film below (4 mins). Download the film (300MB MP4) (OK to reuse under...
November 2016
Update: Vollständiges Video und Präsentation: Gerd Leonhard auf der Smart Port Rotterdam Conference: die Zukunft in Kürze
… as promised here are the slides ! More details about this event. 10-year-future-smartport-rotterdam-gerd-leonhard-futurist-public-low-res 20 MB PDF SmartPort will be hosting its first SmartPort Summit...
November 2016
Auf Europas größter Tech-Konferenz die Welt verrotten sehen / must read !!
“You can go further. In the accounts given by philosophers like Bernard Stiegler, the human stands on the point of vanishing entirely; we become something...
November 2016
Als ihr bester Freund starb, nutzte sie künstliche Intelligenz, um weiter mit ihm zu sprechen - eine tolle Geschichte über Gedenkroboter
“Memorial bots — even the primitive ones that are possible using today’s technology — seemed both inevitable and dangerous. “It’s definitely the future — I’m...
November 2016
Mein Kommentar zu "Was Black Mirror, Her und das Near-Future-Genre uns über die Zukunft sagen" (TheGuardian)
I was recently interviewed by Noah Berlatsky and his piece just went online at TheGuardian “Taking after George Orwell and JG Ballard, some of the most...
November 2016
The Future of Food - Das Essen der Zukunft: Faszinierend!
“The Cultured Beef Project aims to create artificial meat in the laboratory. Technicians remove muscle cells from the shoulder of a cow, and feed the...
November 2016
Die Ethik der künstlichen Intelligenz (Tim O'Reilly)
“Ethics is about having an intelligent discussion, not about answers, as such—it's about having the tools to think carefully about real-world actions and their effects,...
November 2016
Beunruhigende Studie besagt, dass künstliche Intelligenz anhand von Gesichtsmerkmalen vorhersagen kann, wer kriminell sein wird
“Kate Crawford, an AI researcher with Microsoft Research New York, MIT, and NYU, told The Intercept, “I‘d call this paper literal phrenology, it’s just using...
November 2016
Google, Facebook und die Suche nach der Wahrheit - The Futures Agency und Tim Cole
“But the really worrying thing is that the Internet, which most of us heralded as a way to bring truth to the masses, is in...
November 2016
Digitale Adipositas oder analoge Magersucht? Willkommen in der Zukunft (erweiterter Auszug aus "Technology vs. Humanity")
No escape from the data tsunami? Note: this post has been excerpted, expanded and adapted from my new book “Technology vs Humanity” (read more here,...
November 2016
Die Zukunft der digitalen Wirtschaft (CSEM 2016): Dia-Deck und Audio meiner Keynote
Here is my deck from today's talk at CSEM 2016 in Zürich the-future-of-the-digital-economy-csem-zrh-2016-gerd-leonhard-public 34 MB PDF Audio track below — sorry for the low volume...
November 2016
Sogar der BAXTER-Bot liest gerne mein neues Buch "Technology vs Humanity" (und eine Drohne liefert es aus)
Images by Matt McLelland – Thanks ! Buy the book via Amazon or directly via my publisher. Read more about the book here. Read the...
November 2016
Neuer Podcast: ein Gespräch mit den Futuristen Richard Watson und Gerd Leonhard über unsere neuen Bücher: Digital vs. Human und Technologie vs. Humanität
Here is a brand-new podcast with my futurist colleague Richard Watson who just published a great book called ‘Digital vs Human‘. Richard's book is a...
November 2016
Silicon Valley taumelt nach Trumps Wahl - NYTimes.com
“Mr. Obama, who rode many of these digital tools to the presidency, was accommodative of their rise; his administration broadly deferred to the tech industry...
November 2016
Video und Folien: IAPP-Datenschutzkongress in Brüssel, heute: Technologie und Menschlichkeit (aktualisiert)
Great event here in Brussels today, see more details here. NEW: here is the video of my keynote My new book TECHNOLOGY VS HUMANITY, as...
November 2016
Die Wahl 2016 enthüllt die sehr, sehr dunkle Seite der Technik
“It’s shown us—and not for the first time—how the same communication tools that can connect strangers in far-flung parts of the world can also be...