“The point, though, is that we are on the verge of a revolution in transportation. For decades — actually, centuries — we have been dependent...
Sie müssen üben, Ihr zukünftiges Selbst zu sein
“Here’s the key: You need to spend time on the future even when there are more important things to do in the present and even...
Dez 2016
Neuer Podcast: ein Gespräch mit Tim Leberecht (The Business Romantic) und Gerd Leonhard (Technology vs Humanity)
I just recently discovered Tim Leberecht's work on Ted and on Youtube, and am currently reading his book ‘The Business Romantic.' Similar to fellow futurist Richard...
Dez 2016
Der kommende Zusammenstoß zwischen Mensch und Maschine: Technologie gegen und mit der Menschheit?
The Coming Clash Between Man and Machine by Gerd Leonhard, Future Thinker, Author of Technology vs Humanity You may be busy posting your latest updates on social media...
Dez 2016
Vergessen Sie AT&T: Was ist mit Google und Facebook...? gut zu lesen in der NYT
“Look at the numbers. Alphabet (the parent company of Google) and Facebook are among the 10 largest companies in the world. Alphabet alone has a...
Dez 2016
Our Automated Future - eine Pflichtlektüre über die Zukunft der Arbeit (via The New Yorker)
“Google offers a vivid illustration of how new technologies create new opportunities. Two computer-science students at Stanford go looking for a research project, and the...
Dez 2016
Über Automatisierung - ein Muss für den New Yorker
“Jerry Kaplan is a computer scientist and entrepreneur who teaches at Stanford. In “Humans Need Not Apply: A Guide to Wealth and Work in the...
Dez 2016
9 Statistiken über künstliche Intelligenz, die Sie umhauen werden
“Bye bye, call centers and wait times. According to researcher Gartner, AI bots will power 85% of all customer service interactions by the year 2020....
Dez 2016
Einige Statistiken über künstliche Intelligenz, die Sie umhauen werden
“Bye bye, call centers and wait times. According to researcher Gartner, AI bots will power 85% of all customer service interactions by the year 2020....
Dez 2016
Ist ein universelles Grundeinkommen die Antwort auf eine automatisierte Zukunft? Über Peter Diamandis
“the most compelling study demonstrating how universal basic income could work comes from a small town in Canada.From 1974 to 1979, the Canadian government partnered...
Dez 2016
Neuer Podcast: SAP Coffee-talk with Game Changers, moderiert von Bonnie D. Graham, mit Frank Diana, Gerd Leonhard, Timo Elliott
The Innovation Explosion: Replicating a Special Century? November 30, 2016 Hosted by Bonnie D. Graham [Download MP3] [itunes] [Bookmark Episode] Guest Information Frank Diana [View...
Dez 2016
Four Futures: Das Leben nach dem Kapitalismus - bringen Roboter Utopie oder Terror?
“The great danger posed by the automation of production, in the context of a world of hierarchy and scarce resources,” Frase says, “is that it...
Dez 2016
Was Stephen Hawking über "die gefährlichste Zeit für unseren Planeten" richtig und falsch versteht
“Technology is the main culprit here, widening the gulf between the haves and the have-nots. As Hawking explained, automation has already decimated jobs in manufacturing...
Dez 2016
Einsicht des Dalai Lama angewandt auf KI-Ethik -via Future of Life Institute
“One of the primary objectives — if not the primary objective — of artificial intelligence is to improve life for all people. But an equally...
Dez 2016
Meine Keynote auf der Microsoft DPK16 in Bremen: Herausforderungen und Chancen der digitalen Transformation (in deutscher Sprache)
Just out! Download the deck on my German blog. Original posted video by MSFT (thanks for making this recording available) ... Weiterlesen ...
Dez 2016
Könnten Sie bald ein Flugzeug mit Ihrem Verstand fliegen?
“What kind of things do you think we will be doing with our minds?Look at it this way: a hundred years ago this interview would...
Dez 2016
Meine besten Folien vom Dezember 2016: Technologie und/mit/gegen die Menschheit?
New deck from flickr ! Read the book now:) Download the PDF: future-challenge-opportunities-futurist-speaker-gerd-leonhard-technology-humanity-collect-public-dec2-2016 24MB ... Weiterlesen ...
Dez 2016
Neu: Gespräche mit Gerd #2 - das globale Gehirn ist nah (Technologie vs/und Menschlichkeit)
The latest from my new series ‘conversations with Gerd‘. Check out my new book here Technology vs Humanity Technology vs Humanity: key messages Technology...