The end of routine is coming, but it's NOT the end of human work. If we focus on what only humans can do - the...
Die gute Zukunft ERKLÄRT": Das neue Video des Futuristen Gerd Leonhard zeigt, warum die Zukunft besser ist, als wir denken
Since "The Good Future" film's release, I have received many comments requesting to dive deeper into each topic, and to provide more context. Hence this...
Januar 2022
Treffen Sie mich am 15. Oktober 2021 bei der Fortune Greece CEO Veranstaltung (virtuell)
"We will discuss the main points of the CEO Initiative Forum to be held on November 23 in the UK, and we will co-shape the...
Sep 2021
Glück ist kein Download, und Technologie ist nicht das, was wir suchen, sondern wie wir es suchen.
8 years ago, when I started researching how we can define happiness, I repeatedly ran across a distinction between two different types of happiness. The first, hedonic...
Apr 2021
Es ist an der Zeit, in der Arbeitspyramide aufzusteigen: Von Informationen und Daten zu Verständnis, Zweck und Weisheit
The future of work and jobs is becoming a hot-potato topic as the Megashifts such as automation, cognification, robotisation and virtualisation loom large - and...
Mrz 2021
Von Effizienz zu Widerstandsfähigkeit, Agilität und Kreativität #beyondcovid (gif)
Here is one thing I started noticing – efficiency is no longer enough. It's RESILIENCE, agility and creativity and courage that counts more, now. In...
Mrz 2021
Die Technologie ist exponentiell - aber der Mensch ist LINEAR: Keck's Law, Moore's Law...Gerd's law?
You all know Moore's law, and possibly Keck's law, see below. Read more via The Economist. Both curves are EXPONENTIAL (as is Metcalf's law of...
Januar 2021
Unbedingt lesenswertes Buch von Rutger Bregman: Humankind - A Hopeful History (einige gemeinsame Highlights)
I am currently a really important book called HumanKind by Rutger Bregman that addresses an essential question I have debated with many people for a...
Januar 2021
Neues Video: Futurist Gerd Leonhard Q&A Session bei IEEE Global Conference on AI and IoT Dec 13 2020
This was a great event and we will publish the entire keynote on my Youtube channel in a few days as well; be sure to...
Januar 2021
Wir sind uns am wenigsten bewusst, was unser Verstand am besten kann (Marvin Minsky)
Tacit knowledge or implicit knowledge (as opposed to formal, codified or explicit knowledge) is the kind of knowledge that is difficult to transfer to another...
Januar 2021
7 Kurzvideos zu Resilienz und Agilität in der Welt mit/nach dem Covid (Futurist Gerd Leonhard)
Covid-19 has changed and continues to change everything. And the speed of change and innovation is only accelerating. For businesses to successfully navigate these massive...
November 2020
Die Zukunft ist vegetarisch (ich weiß... das klingt hart)
Good points here — like The End of Oil, we don't really have many other options Read more via The Economist ... Weiterlesen ...
November 2020
Barry Schwartz #mustread über Effizienz und warum "zu viel des Guten sehr schlecht sein kann
The term used to describe this approach to decision-making is satisficing. And satisficing with an eye toward a radically uncertain future might be called robust...
August 2020
Pflichtlektüre von Bill Gates: COVID-19 ist furchtbar. Der Klimawandel könnte schlimmer sein.
... Weiterlesen ...
August 2020
Die USA liegen hinter vielen reichen Ländern zurück. Diese Diagramme zeigen, warum (must-read via NYT)
“The United States is different. In nearly every other high-income country, people have both become richer over the last three decades and been able to...
Juli 2020
Hören Sie auf, von Experten zu verlangen, dass sie die Zukunft nach dem Coronavirus vorhersagen. Es gibt sie nicht (Mark Lilla via NYT)
"The best prophet, Thomas Hobbes once wrote, is the best guesser. That would seem to be the last word on our capacity to predict the...
Mai 2020
Das Mantra der nächsten Jahre muss lauten: kleiner, schneller, billiger
... Weiterlesen ...