“Puoi espandere il commento che fai nel video [Umanità vs Tecnologia], dove dici "vedremo più cambiamenti nei prossimi 20 anni rispetto ai 300 anni precedenti"?È...
A los estadounidenses les encanta la tecnología, pero no están tan seguros de mejorar su cuerpo (Estudio Pew, WaPo)
“a majority of Americans said they would be “very” or “somewhat” worried about three specific biomedical technologies chosen by Pew: gene editing, brain chips and...
Jul 2016
Mi presentación en ConnectGov en Thimphu, Bután, hoy: tecnología para la humanidad: gestión de un mundo disruptivo.
Here are my slides from this amazing event in Thimphu, Bhutan, today. Technology for Humanity: Managing a Disruptive World Disruption can displace existing market, industry or...
Jul 2016
Mi nuevo libro "Technology vs Humanity" ya está disponible para su lectura y pedido anticipado.
This is a big day – after 18 months of intense writing and crafting, my new book is finally ready to be published on September 8,...
Jul 2016
¿Sólo los privilegiados temen una revolución robótica? (No, no estoy de acuerdo, pero... léalo de todos modos)
“When you think of the millions of lives that could be saved and improved by access to basic healthcare and education, it makes the idea...
Jul 2016
Mis comentarios sobre Inteligencia Artificial y transformación digital (The Telegraph, Oliver Pickup)
This piece just went live on The Telegraph and it quotes me quite well:) Thanks to Oliver Pickup for the great interview. Here are some...
Jul 2016
Cómo la tecnología trastocó la verdad : lectura obligada vía TheGuardian
“Twenty-five years after the first website went online, it is clear that we are living through a period of dizzying transition. For 500 years after...
Jul 2016
El factor humano y la IO
“Those who dismiss IoT over its first, wobbly steps with arguments like “I don’t need my toaster to talk to my refrigerator” or “IoT is...
Jul 2016
Por qué debemos recoger la antorcha de Alvin Toffler (RIP)
“All around, technology is altering the world: Social media is subsuming journalism, politics and even terrorist organizations. Inequality, driven in part by techno-abetted globalization, has...
Jul 2016
Nuevos vídeos: entrevistas recientes de FuturistGerd (tecnología frente a humanos, marcas y el futuro de los negocios)
A few nice additions below! ... Leer más