“Thus the federation of trust inherent in Libra, despite the loss of efficiency that entails: by not being in control, and by actively including corporations...
En el trabajo, la experiencia está cayendo en desgracia (vía The Atlantic)
“The ship’s most futuristic aspect, though, is its crew. The LCS was the first class of Navy ship that, because of technological change and the...
Jun 2019
La verdadera razón de la nueva criptomoneda de Facebook (lectura obligada de Kevin Werbach, en el NYT)
“For all the controversies, Facebook’s profits remain strong and its user numbers remain steady. Yet it has lost something that in the long run is...
Jun 2019
Tecnología y humanidad, ética, privacidad y el futuro del trabajo: algunas de mis últimas diapositivas e ilustraciones
Enjoy! Technology and humanity futurist gerd leonhard #techvshuman #digitalethics #manmachine PUBLIC-web 10 MB pdf creative commons licensed ... Leer más
Jun 2019
Breve entrevista en vídeo: ¡el fin de la rutina NO es el fin del trabajo! Gerd Leonhard en #futureofwork, DOTS 2019
Robots, smart machines and AI will take over our routine tasks, but not our work and our jobs: the end of routine is not the...
Jun 2019
Uber's Path of Destruction (buena lectura vía American Affairs Journal): "Los inversores de Uber siempre buscaron explotar el poder artificial del mercado"
Powerful and deep read by Hubert Horan – really made me think differently about Uber! Some of the best snippets: “Most public criticisms of...
Jun 2019
Nuevo vídeo: El conferenciante futurista Gerd Leonhard en Microsoft DOTS 2019 en Praga: Tecnología y humanidad: los próximos 10 años
Download the Pdf here. More on DOTS 2019 here. AUDIO ONLY version: Download the MP3: Gerd Leonhard at DOTS 2019 humanity technology PRAGUE audio only ......
Jun 2019
Black Mirror" ya no sorprende. Estamos jodidos (según Wired)
“In other words, show creator Charlie Brooker and executive producer Annabel Jones in all likelihood plucked Bauer's vision quest not from the headlines but from...
Jun 2019
Mi presentación de hoy en la 24Ore LuxurySummit de Milán: las 10 cosas que hay que saber sobre el futuro
Here is the PDF: 24ore 10 things you need to know about the future gerd leonhard MILANO June 5 2019 PUBLIC-email and… some of my key...
Jun 2019
Nueva entrevista con Emily Miller (Netapp) y el futurista Gerd Leonhard: Definir un camino ético para la tecnología (vídeo)
This is a pretty good conversation imho:). Thanks to NETAPP for asking me to speak at their events, and a special thanks to Emily Miller...