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Meet me at the Community Care Conference in Sydney Australia Sept.17 2013, Cerebral Palsy Day Sept 18

I am delighted to be back in Australia for 3 days; 2 talks at this event (incl. an invitation-only event on Monday the 16th, and the public event on Tues the 17th at 11 am) and another one for the Cerebral Palsy Alliance on Wednesday Sept 18. Please note that the Community Care Conference is a paid event, so if you want to attend and see me speak you need to register. However, I can invite a few guests just for my speech at 11 am, so please ping me if you are in Sydney and interested in joining me.

Australia's Premier Community Care Conference 2013:   Fearless, Inspired, Creative……Anything is Possible

An exciting two day event that is guaranteed to give each and every participant a fabulous thinking, energising and networking experience.

Energetic in built participation pre, during and post the event through social media. Start participating now through Facebook and Twitter.

Informative and amazing speakers, including:

  • Gerd Leonhard (The Futures Agency) – A Futurist who has assessed our operating environment and will challenge our thinking about how to best deliver care into the next decade
  • Adele Horin (Coming of Age) – Social Commentator and former journalist with the Sydney Morning Herald
  • Geoff Aigner (Social Leadership Australia)






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