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Here are the slides from my presentation at the CEO Clubs event in Bucharest: digital transformation and the future of business

Future Business Commerce CEO Club Bucharest Public-web  10 MB PDFScreenshot 2014-11-14 09.40.21

Dropbox version low res (same file, 10MB PDF)

Dropbox version high res (same content, 32 MB PDF)

More details about CEO Clubs Romania here

The event brochure (very cool design): 6th CEO Clubs Forum – 13.11.2014


We are living in a world that is evolving exponentially, leav- ing no industry, nation or government untouched. Just like ‘media’ was redefined dramatically by digital technology, so will be banking and money, work, education/learning, health and transportation. For many companies, it is likely that up to 50% of their revenues in 5-8 years will come from products and income streams that don’t even exist yet, created by in- novators whose job title does not even exist yet – witness the recent leaps in machine language translation, cloud com- puting, big data and artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D print- ing etc. Many industries’ business models will be re-written and prevailing logic and assumptions will be questioned. At the same time, the traditional, Western paradigm of ‘growth and profit at all costs’ (aka hyper-capitalism) is topping out, and a new generation of economists is defining a new kind of ‘sustainable capitalism’, i.e. a circular approach to generating value. Sustainable may well be the new profitable in the fu- ture. So if business is becoming increasingly interdependent, networked and hyper-efficient (‘software is eating the world’) how can incumbent players not be upstaged by digitally-na- tive startups that have no legacy constraints? What does an ‘exponential organization’ look like? What will true transforma- tion entail? If automation, robots and ultra-smart technologies will indeed replace many human workers in the near future, what skills will people (and companies) need to develop to remain valuable? If 5 Billion people are connected on mobile devices as well as with the Internet of Things, how will this change marketing, commerce and product development?

Some high-lights from my slides:

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