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The Future of HR: Technology AND Humanity. New video of Futurist Gerd Leonhard’s keynote at BeyondHR 2018 in Amsterdam

Beyond HR Amsterdam Exponential Change End of HR as usual Gerd Leonhard Public Deck low res

Download the MP4 file (5GB) via my public cloud.

This is the complete recording of my keynote at the 2018 BeyondHR forum in Amsterdam, June 21, 2018, see on the Future of Human Resources (HR), skills, and learning & development; also touching on many ‘technology vs humanity' themes (see my book link below) Key messages: The future is better than we think – we just need to agree on what we want. Technology is not WHAT we seek but HOW we seek. Offline is the new luxury. Humanity will change more in the next 20 years than the previous 300 years. Leadership in Digital Ethics is crucial. Everything that cannot be digitized or automated becomes even more valuable. Humans are NOT algorithms.

And here's a bonus film!:))

Some best-of-gig pics:)





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