Here's my brand-new film on the future of work and jobs: HOW THE FUTURE WORKS
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The next 20 years will bring more change than the previous 300 years. Technology is rebooting the very idea of work, how we work, when we work, where we work, and WHY we work. Computers are no longer stupid; they’re watching, they’re listening, they’re speaking, they’re learning… Science fiction is becoming science fact, and the End of Routine work is only one of the outcomes. How much of YOUR work is routine? Anything that can be automated, digitized or virtualized…will be. This is as certain as music is in the cloud, cars are driving themselves, and money is going digital. Automation is reducing the need for rode and manual labor everywhere, and smart machines will soon do the knowledge work as well. When artificial intelligence meets human intelligence, it’s the end of routine as we know it. But take heart: This is not the end of our jobs, it’s not the end of our work, it’s not the end of our purpose. Rather, a new age of human-only work is beginning!