2020 Will Bring A New Renaissance: Humanity Over Technology
Technology has replaced the once-mighty church and currently dominates our personal as well as professional lives. A few global behemoths – the churches of dataism – now control how we communicate and connect, search, buy and sell, entertain and learn. What was once used to connect us (so-called social media) is now dividing and manipulating us, catapulting us towards an algorithmic society.
But we are also witnessing the rebirth of humanity just as it once reawakened in Italy, and we may already have reached ‘Peak Tech Worship’ in 2019. Silicon Valley CEOs are dragged in for questioning before the U.S. Congress and the EU Commission, and #digitalethicsis now a global theme (a meme I presented back in 2017 in my book Technology vs. Humanity). The debates about ‘digital pollution’, data sovereignty, abusive data-mining, social media’s manipulation of the democratic process, and algorithmic bias are growing louder every day….
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