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The slides, audio and video from today’s digital conference on #Covid19 and the Future of Business

Thanks for joining us! That was an amazing event. As promised, here are all the recordings and the slides used by all speakers.

More about KD Adamson. About Anton Musgrave. About Liselotte Lyngso.

and more about The Futures Agency

The next events and All other resources can be found on

UPDATE: here (my public google drive aka GerdCloud) are the clean audio and video files from the event (1GB) for downloading

Cleaned version:))

And here are the poll results – food for thought !!

Thanks form all of us for participating

ABOUT: Free Digital Conference with Futurists Musgrave, Leonhard, Lyngso, Adamson: Covid-19 and The Future of Business A focus on Covid-19 and the Future of Business. What is likely, or even certain, to happen during this year? What are the worst/best case scenarios as far as business is concerned ? How will this crisis impact different industries, nations and people? How do we adapt and prepare? What can we do to get ready? What are the biggest challenges and where are the biggest opportunities





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