In this short video, I explain how I became a futurist
Morphing from a musician and producer to internet entrepreneur to author, keynote speaker and futurist. I comment on the fact that while most people seem to think that the future is bleak, I believe the future will be better than we think. If you are interested in Futurism or becoming a futurist, this short video is for you!
As many of you may know, I was a digital music ‘activist’ and pioneer in the early days of the Internet, from 1995 to around 2005. I wrote several books on the future of the music industry, published many articles on this topic (here, here and here… to list only a few). I recently wrote about it in this article.
Watch this recent discussion about the Future of Futurists
But what does a futurist actually do, and how has that changed in the past decade, and as a result of the current global crisis? What is probable in the future, what is possible, and what is PREFERRED? The Future is something that we create every day, not something that just happens to us. The job of a futurist is not to predict but to observe and to help clients think beyond short-term horizons, and to make the right choices today.
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