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Download Futurist Gerd Leonhard’s books for free (PDF), via GerdCloud: Future of Content, Friction is Fiction and more

Greetings, as you may know, I have shared most of my books via my “GerdCloud” public dropbox folder for quite some time now.  Just in case you've missed this, here they are, individually. Happy reading! gerdcloud header

Folder with PDFs of all books via GerdCloud

The Future of Content (2011): Dropbox or direct download

Friction is Fiction  (2010): Dropbox or direct download

The End of Control (2009, summary version): Dropbox or direct download or visit the rather ancient website 🙂

Music 2.0 (2008): Dropbox or direct download

You can also buy some of them on Amazon, if you want.  In particular, I recommend ‘The Future of Content” in the Kindle version, for a whopping $2.99 🙂

If you are so inclined you can also click here to make a voluntary payment via Paypal

PS: my very first book, The Future of Music (2005) was published by Berklee Press and is therefore not available for free downloading. Sorry!





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