Futurist Gerd Leonhard’s 10 Game-Changers: Dta, cloud, AI/IA, IoT, Quantum Computing, Blockchain, 3D Printing, Genetic Engineering, Voice Control
Gerd Leonhard's GAME-CHANGERS Data, Cloud, AI/IA, IoT, Quantum Computing, Blockchain, 3D Printing, VR/MR/AR Genome Editing, Voice Control
Jul 2019

Short video interview: the end of routine is NOT the end of work! Gerd Leonhard on #futureofwork, DOTS 2019
Robots, smart machines and AI will take over our routine tasks, but not our work and our jobs: the end of routine is not the...
Jun 2019

A very unique podcast with Azeem Azhar and Gerd Leonhard: Artificial Intelligence – heaven or hell?
Azeem Azhar and I had a good chat last week: a wide-ranging conversation on AI and its potential dangers to humanity. On the one hand, humans...
Mar 2019

New video: proposing a Global Digital Ethics Council
… it's time to incorporate the negative externalities of exponential technological progress into EVERY digital business model! ... Read more
Jan 2019

The very first edition of my Digital Ethics newsletter is now available!
This is a new collaboration with TFA's new curator PeterVan. Subscribe here. Read the first issue here. ... Read more
Jan 2019

Here is the deck with my slides from today: EnlightED in Madrid: technology, humanity, and the future for education
This was (is) a pretty amazing event!! Huge congrats to Telefonica Foundation and IE and everyone else! Check out the twitter stream EnlightED...
Oct 2018

Technology, Humanity, AI… and The Future of Politics (Die Welt essay by Tim Renner and Gerd Leonhard, translated from German)
Read the original version at Die Welt (paywall), or via the brand-new Renner/Leonhard site Thanks to Tim Cole for helping with this translation. Stand up,...
Aug 2018

New short-video series: Futurist Gerd Leonhard on-stage: best quotes and key messages
My art director Jf Cardella and his team are cooking up some really nice, short video examples culled from some recent keynotes, highlighting the key...
Aug 2018
Updated: Video and illustrations: the most important Future Principles (Futurist / Humanist Gerd Leonhard)
UPDATED: here is a new video on the same topic, from the May 2018 Thoughtworks LIVE London event: Here are the essential slides from my...
May 2018
New short film: The Internet of Things – what’s the big deal? Futurist Gerd Leonhard: conversation with Gerd (#3)
You can download the MP4 versions of my short films here! ... Read more
May 2018

New short film: Futurist Gerd Leonhard on the Internet of Things – a new Meta-Intelligence and the Global Brain
Just went live on my Youtube channel – we have another 5 short films like this, coming up very soon! This is #1 in a...
Apr 2018

Some of my best slides from the past 6 weeks: technology, humanity and the future (a special FuturistGerd collection of visual memes)
All images are licensed under creative commons non-commercial attribution license (i.e. you can use all images if you provide proper credit to futurist Gerd Leonhard)....
Nov 2017

The waves of digital transformation (Gerd Leonhard Gif Series) #techvshuman
More Technology vs Humanity Gifs here ... Read more
Feb 2017

Important interview with Futurist Gerd Leonhard on IEET: Technology Could Bring Heaven on Earth, or Create Hell
IEET just published an interview with me here. Thanks to Hank Pellissier for making this happen. IEET: Can you expand on your comment in the video,...
Jan 2016

Hilarious video compilation: they (the robots) took our jobs!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZBYLIUqmIs Found via TheNextWeb and Andrew Keen (be sure to look at the links !!) I’m not sure if it’s really good or bad news. Both,...
Dec 2015

Exponential organisations, digital transformation and the future of banking: a short video conversation with keynote speakers Yuri Van Geest and Gerd Leonhard (TFA presents series #8)
There are some real nuggets in this talk my friend and colleague Yuri Van Geest, co-author of the must-read book ‘Exponential Organisations', discussing the future...
Apr 2015

5 short video excerpts from my keynote at Learning Technologies 2015 (London): the future of work, learning, and knowledge
Here are some short snippets from my Learning Technologies 2015 talk, 2-3 minutes each. I think all of these are worth looking at as they...