All year, a planet transformed by the burning of carbon discharged what would have once been called portents of apocalypse. The people of that planet,...
Die Welt nach Covid-19: Was kommt auf die Menschen, die Verbraucher, den Einzelhandel und den E-Commerce zu?
I touch on many fashion & apparel industry-related topics such as sustainability and the Experience Economy, and of course on my key topic "The Good...
Juni 2022
Zukunftsforscher Gerd Leonhards Präsentation für GerdTalks #6: Warum und wie Grün das neue Digital ist
The Sustainability Revolution will be even bigger than the digital revolution. Why and how Big Blue (Tech) + Big Green + Big Human = Future....
Mrz 2022
Spiegelt die globale Impfsituation die Ungleichheit in der Welt wider? Der Spiegel über "Impf-Apartheid"
“THE SPEEDY development of covid-19 vaccines speaks to the best of humanity’s qualities: resilience, ingenuity and the ability to jointly overcome problems. Their distribution, however,...
Sep 2021
Was uns im Jahr 2021 erwartet (neue, ausführliche Videos von Zukunftsforscher Gerd Leonhard)
What can we expect for 2021, and beyond? Amidst massive geopolitical shifts (a recovering / pivoting USA, a budding ‘United States of Europe‘, and an...
Juni 2021
Was lehrt uns der Covid über den Klimawandel? Ein Denkanstoß von Tim Harford (Financial Times)
"Climate change because of greenhouse gas emissions is well under way, but at a speed measured in decades. As a result, it is almost impossible...
Mai 2021
Warum der Kapitalismus, wie wir ihn kennen, untauglich für die Zukunft ist
Covid-19 Has Accelerated the Demise of Traditional Capitalism 2019 was a year of great prosperity and innovation, with stock markets booming, democracy thriving (well, maybe...
Mrz 2021
Die Corona-Krise hinter sich lassen: Neues Segment aus meiner neuen Videoreihe "Was wir von 2021 erwarten".
2020 was a disruptive and massively confusing year for everyone, personally, and for every business and every organization, as well. 2021 will hopefully see a...
Mrz 2021
Sprachunterricht und Bildung nach Covid-19: Audio-Podcast meiner Keynote bei KOTESOL 2021
Wie entwickelt man ein Future Mindset? Warum das Ende der Routine nicht das Ende der Arbeit bedeutet...
Mrz 2021
Zukunftstrends - Worauf müssen wir uns einstellen?
Warp drive into the future What are the biggest future trends we have to get ready for today and how do we best prepare for...
Mrz 2021
Der Zusammenhang zwischen Covid-19 und Ungleichheit
Watch the video below: The USA fared really badly in the crisis because inequality and polarization was already a huge issue, before. New Zealand did...
Februar 2021
Was Sie im Jahr 2021 erwartet: Meine neue Videoreihe (erste Serie)
Humans tend to wait until something really bad has happened before we react and make real changes: Witness nuclear weapons and Covid-19. But now we've...
Februar 2021
Ich sage immer wieder, dass Covid-19 ein Testlauf für den Klimawandel ist. Larry Fink stimmt mir irgendwie zu:)
I believe that the pandemic has presented such an existential crisis – such a stark reminder of our fragility – that it has driven us to confront...
Januar 2021
Die Reaktion der Verbraucher auf Covid19 (gute Lektüre und Statistiken über das WEF)
Since the COVID-19 crisis began, global GDP has fallen by 4.2%. The rollout of vaccine programmes will help to steady the ship – but the...
Januar 2021
Nachhaltig ist das neue Digital
Riffing-off, and simplifying from, a recent WEF piece here --- this will become a strong meme for 2021 (no matter what you may think about...
Januar 2021
IPSOS 2021 Global Advisor Predictions (einige gute Statistiken und Denkanstöße)
This report was just released and the results are quite interesting, Check out my highlights and comments below. “After a 2020 that is rated as...
Januar 2021
Neues Video: 4 führende Futuristen präsentieren ihre Post-Covid Future Insights und Foresights (mit der ziemlich coolen mmhmm-App)
What happens when four professional futurists with a knack for helping organizations and individuals prepare for an increasingly uncertain future get together to discuss the...
Dez 2020
7 Kurzvideos zu Resilienz und Agilität in der Welt mit/nach dem Covid (Futurist Gerd Leonhard)
Covid-19 has changed and continues to change everything. And the speed of change and innovation is only accelerating. For businesses to successfully navigate these massive...