Greetings dear subscribers, friends, clients and colleagues!This is a special edition of my newsletter, with a focus on Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT / GenAI. I...
Auf dem Weg in die gute Zukunft: Eine neue Podcast-Episode mit dem Futuristen Gerd Leonhard, für die Singularity University
with Steven Parton via The Feedback Loop | Singularity Podcasts “In this episode, Gerd's ideas put forth in his book Technology vs Humanity are explored,...
Juni 2023
Künstliche Intelligenz und die Zukunft der menschlichen Arbeit - Gerd Leonhards Keynote bei Steering Education 2023 in Riga (vollständiges Video)
Gerd Leonhard, Heather McGowan und Elina Hiltunen inspirierten einen Tag lang auf dem Forum "Steering Education: Vom Engagement zum Empowerment".
Juni 2023
Marc Andreessens "Warum KI die Welt retten wird": Eine reduktionistische, selbstsüchtige Ode an die Singularität
I'm super-worried after reading Marc Andreessen's latest piece (June 6, 2023) on AI and how it will SAVE THE WORLD. Marc is one of the...
Juni 2023
ChatGPT, Die KI-Revolution und unsere Zukunft: Dov Baron im Gespräch mit Peter Leyden & Gerd Leonhard
From Dov Baron's podcast “Leadership and Loyalty” ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that has taken the world by storm with its incredible human-like text generation...
Mai 2023
Was Sie wissen müssen Episode #3: Warum wir optimistisch in die Zukunft blicken sollten. Neues Video von Futurist Gerd Leonhard.
What kind of future do we want for our children? What kind of ancestor will we be? So you may ask: How do we maintain...
Aug 2022
Die Zukunft der Demokratie: Gerdtalks #5. Das Video und die Folien (Futurist Gerd Leonhard)
These days, democracy seems increasingly under fire – declining globally – and stability is threatened by autocrats. What's next for Democracy? This was the topic...
Mrz 2022
Nehmen Sie an GerdTalks #5 teil: Die Zukunft der Demokratie! 14. März 18 Uhr CET Live-Stream
Heutzutage scheint die Demokratie zunehmend unter Beschuss zu stehen - sie nimmt weltweit ab - und die Stabilität wird von Autokraten bedroht. Wie geht es weiter mit der Demokratie?
Mrz 2022
Der Futurist Gerd Leonhard über das Metaverse / Metaperverse (neues Video): Himmel oder Hölle?
and experiences with AI-powered technological simulations become the biggest business opportunity ever? Will we stop bothering with a complicated, confusing and often exhausting reality when...
November 2021
Sehen Sie sich meinen neuen Film "The Good Future" über meinen Vimeo-Kanal an oder laden Sie ihn herunter!
Just go to my new Vimeo showcase. ... Weiterlesen ...
Aug 2021
Mein neuer Film "Die gute Zukunft"
I am here to tell the story of The Good Future. I believe in a future where the power of human ingenuity, science and technology...
Juni 2021
Ankündigung des Projekts "Fork In The Road" - Bitte machen Sie mit! Today, I am delighted to invite all interested readers, friends, clients and fellow futurists to consider and join an important new initiative. Together with...
Mrz 2021
Die Corona-Krise hinter sich lassen: Neues Segment aus meiner neuen Videoreihe "Was wir von 2021 erwarten".
2020 was a disruptive and massively confusing year for everyone, personally, and for every business and every organization, as well. 2021 will hopefully see a...
Mrz 2021
Die Technologie ist exponentiell - aber der Mensch ist LINEAR: Keck's Law, Moore's Law...Gerd's law?
You all know Moore's law, and possibly Keck's law, see below. Read more via The Economist. Both curves are EXPONENTIAL (as is Metcalf's law of...
Januar 2021
Unbedingt lesenswertes Buch von Rutger Bregman: Humankind - A Hopeful History (einige gemeinsame Highlights)
I am currently a really important book called HumanKind by Rutger Bregman that addresses an essential question I have debated with many people for a...
Januar 2021
7 Kurzvideos zu Resilienz und Agilität in der Welt mit/nach dem Covid (Futurist Gerd Leonhard)
Covid-19 has changed and continues to change everything. And the speed of change and innovation is only accelerating. For businesses to successfully navigate these massive...
November 2020
Mein letzter Beitrag auf A Futurist's Learnings From The Corona-Crisis, And Some Key Foresights
The very word ‘normal’ has become kind of useless, and the idea of ‘business as usual’ is becoming laughable, as well. Instead, attempting to ‘pivot’...
Sep 2020
Mein Interview mit Ross Dawson, wie man ein großartiger virtueller Redner wird (Virtual Excellence Show)
That was fun! The future of work, the future of speaking, and the future of events are covered with deep insight in this conversation with...