This is probably my most comprehensive talk on the future of education, training and work, to-date. This video is my talk at the "Steering Education...
El futurista Gerd Leonhard en el podcast "Age of Aquarius
El futurólogo Gerd Leonhard se unió a Jacy Nova para debatir cuáles son algunos de los mayores retos a los que se enfrenta la humanidad hoy en día.
Mar 2022
Hay que reducir el miedo: entrevista obligada a Gerd Leonhard sobre ética digital (Swisscom Magazine)
The future will be better than we think, claims futurist Gerd Leonhard. Ultimately, managing digital transformation is in people’s own hands – however, everyone needs...
Dic 2021
Cómo cultivar una mentalidad de futuro: lo más destacado de las recientes conferencias virtuales del futurista Gerd Leonhard
Covid-19 has made the bad things worse and the good things better – the crisis has amplified what was there before. It has exponentially accelerated...
Abr 2021
"Una máquina puede hacer el trabajo de cincuenta hombres ordinarios. Ninguna máquina puede hacer el trabajo de un hombre extraordinario" Elbert Hubbard #futurodeltrabajo
This is the Future of Work. ... Leer más
Jun 2020
Únase a nosotros en el debate en línea Transhumanistas vs. Humanistas con Calum Chace y Gerd Leonhard 23 de abril de 2020
Calum Chace (the transhumanist) is a global keynote speaker and best-selling writer about the future impact of AI. His best-known books on AI are Surviving...
Abr 2020
Nuestros cerebros no están a la altura de nuestra tecnología (Tristan Harris NYT Opinion)
“Content algorithms would continue to drive us down rabbit holes toward extremism and conspiracy theories, since automating recommendations is cheaper than paying human editors to...
Dic 2019
Predicciones de Forrester para 2020 sobre la automatización y el futuro del trabajo
“Over 1 million knowledge-work jobs will be replaced in 2020 by software robotics, RPA, virtual agents and chatbots, and machine-learning-based decision management. So predicts research...
Nov 2019
¿Serán los implantes cerebrales del futuro "dispositivos pensantes"?
“San Francisco of about two dozen tinkerers, Jonathan Toomim argued it was a logical next step. “We already use devices – our smart phones –...
Oct 2019
Nuevo vídeo de entrevista: El futurista Gerd Leonhard en conversación con Emily Miller (NetApp): ¿cómo garantizaremos el beneficio colectivo del progreso tecnológico?
This is episode / excerpt #2 of a recent interview with Netapp's Emily Miller – watch the entire conversation here. How will we make sure...
Jul 2019
Zuckerberg quiere que Facebook construya una máquina que lea la mente
“The idea is to allow people to use their thoughts to navigate intuitively through augmented reality—the neuro-driven version of the world recently described by Kevin...
Mar 2019
¿Están las Hololens 2 de Microsoft creando una visión borrosa de quiénes y qué somos?
Microsoft launched Hololens2 at the latest Mobile World Congress. Hololens2 are the upgrade to the original set of ‘mixed reality smartglasses' that utilize VR technology to...
Mar 2019
Grabaciones completas en vídeo y audio de mi keynote en BuildingTheFuture Lisboa enero 2019: tecnología y humanidad - el futuro
This is the complete recording of my keynote of the Building The Future / Microsoft Ativar Event in Lisbon Jan 30 2019 see Topics in...
Feb 2019
Un filósofo sostiene que una IA no puede ser artista (Sean Dorrance Kelly) #manmachine
Sean Dorrance Kelly is a philosophy professor at Harvard and coauthor of the New York Times best-selling book All Things Shining. In this lengthy but...
Feb 2019
La IA es increíblemente inteligente, pero nunca igualará a la creatividad humana (dice Alex Wulff - ¡me encantaría conocer tu opinión al respecto!)
I really enjoyed a short piece today by Alex Wulff on The Next Web titled, ‘AI is incredibly smart, but it will never match human creativity'....
Feb 2019
¿Vivimos en un mundo de espejos? (pregunta Kevin Kelly, en referencia a Magic Leap)
Kevin Kelly has an interesting new post about AR (Augmented Reality) and how that may become the next big tech platform. He calls it the “Mirrorworld”,...
Feb 2019
La fusión del hombre y la máquina no carece de consecuencias" (comentarios de Gerd Leonhard)
“Google’s director of engineering Ray Kurzweil is aligned with Mr Musk on this issue, and regularly enthuses about the possibility of man and machine combining...
Feb 2019
Ya está disponible la primera edición de mi boletín de Ética Digital.
This is a new collaboration with TFA's new curator PeterVan. Subscribe here. Read the first issue here. ... Leer más