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Voici quelques scènes de ma récente présentation lors de l'atelier "Future Ready" de l'IAA India à Mumbai.

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The Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard
The Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard
The Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard
The Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd LeonhardThe Future of Advertising and Marketing: themes by Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard

Quelques scènes de ma récente présentation à l'IAA de Mumbai


Points de vue


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