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Transformation numérique exponentielle dans les affaires et les entreprises : le PDF avec mes diapositives de mon discours à IBS Stockholm, aujourd'hui

Comme annoncé, voici mes diapositives de L'événement IBS d'aujourd'hui ici à Stockholm : transformation numérique exponentielle entreprise IBS Connect Gerd Leonhard Public-web  5MB PDF

Haut version rés via dropbox 27 MB PDF

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et quelques best-of :

exponential digital transformation in business and enterprises gerd leonhard futurist speaker PUBLIC.001 exponential digital transformation in business and enterprises gerd leonhard futurist speaker PUBLIC.004 exponential digital transformation in business and enterprises gerd leonhard futurist speaker PUBLIC.005 exponential digital transformation in business and enterprises gerd leonhard futurist speaker PUBLIC.007 exponential digital transformation in business and enterprises gerd leonhard futurist speaker PUBLIC.009 exponential digital transformation in business and enterprises gerd leonhard futurist speaker PUBLIC.010 exponential digital transformation in business and enterprises gerd leonhard futurist speaker PUBLIC.011 exponential digital transformation in business and enterprises gerd leonhard futurist speaker PUBLIC.015 exponential digital transformation in business and enterprises gerd leonhard futurist speaker PUBLIC.020 exponential digital transformation in business and enterprises gerd leonhard futurist speaker PUBLIC.021 exponential digital transformation in business and enterprises gerd leonhard futurist speaker PUBLIC.026 exponential digital transformation in business and enterprises gerd leonhard futurist speaker PUBLIC.033



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