Nouveau : Essayez mon AI Bot nouveau film

Voici la présentation avec mes diapositives de Google Atmosphere à Santiago du Chili, aujourd'hui.

C'est un plaisir d'être enfin au Chili !

Voici mon jeu, comme promis :)

Atmosphère Chili Google Gerd Leonhard L'avenir du travail et des entreprises PUBLIC DECK-web  PDF 10 MB

Et comme d'habitude... quelques best of

Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.003 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.006 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.010 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.011 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.013 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.018 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.019 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.022 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.028 Atmosphere Chile Google Gerd Leonhard Future of work and business PUBLIC DECK.031



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