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Mes diapositives de CONARH 2013 à Sao Paulo : L'avenir de la technologie et des ressources humaines

Voici mes diapositives de la Evénement CONARH à Sao Paulo hier (10 MB PDF via Dropbox) : "Tecnologia : Uma Visão de Futuro e Impactos em Nossas Vidas" (les diapositives sont en anglais bien sûr). Tous mes autres articles sont disponibles à l'adresse suivante (juste un nom fantaisiste pour mon dossier Dropbox) btw - si vous avez besoin de plus de diapositives, de mes livres gratuits, etc.

Le jeu Flickr :

Future of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and Management
Future of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and Management
Future of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and Management
Future of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and ManagementFuture of Technology and Impact on HR and Management


Voici quelques-uns des meilleurs thèmes que j'ai retenus de cet exposé (et nous espérons que la vidéo sera bientôt disponible) :



Points de vue


bulletin d'information

* indique le besoin
dernier livre