The latest live-stream by Gerd
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What Clients are Saying
"Gerd was our leading keynote speaker at the Visionaries and Leaders forum “Steering Education: From Imagination to Impact” in Riga, Latvia. With his help, we set the tradition to look at and debate our education challenges at the highest visionary and futuristic level. He offered us an outstanding and absolutely inspirational new mindset-changing perspective for the future of education, focusing on the next 10 years' vision. Gerd’s keynote moved and shacked our educators' and politicians' audience by proposing to rethink the main aspects of work and revolutionize education in the light of high-tech development versus humanity. A lot of inspiration!"
State Education Development Agency Latvia
Dita Traidas, Director
"Gerd is an inspirational and re-assuring voice of common sense and future focus. He makes sense of a near time reality that is full of uncertainty, excitement and challenge. I would recommend Gerd to any group looking to examine how their business can succeed in the next frontier."
Corsearch Inc.
Simon Baggs, President, Brand Protection
"A big Thank You to Gerd: your professionalism, great content, fantastic coordination and enthusiasm made our event a huge' success."
KPMG Greece
Marilena Pappa
"Gerd has the ability to take you on a journey into possible futures without fear. A call for us all to spend time thinking about the future and being ready for it when it arrives – hugely inspiring and thought provoking. Everybody can benefit from listening and talking to this man!"
Simon Hocquard, Director General
"We invited Gerd for our primary guest speaker at “The Human-Centric Future” event, Online and in Milan in January 2021. Gerd’s extraordinary, inspirational vision of the future was much appreciated by our clients"
Elisa Robustelli, Sponsorship Manager
"Gerd Leonhard has delivered a highly acclaimed, thought provoking and insightful keynote speech on the Sustainable and Digital Transformation at our global DHL Auto-Mobility conference."
Fathi Tlatli, President Global Auto-Mobility
"Gerd really made a big difference to our event because when he speaks about the future changes, technology, behaviors, he worries about connecting all of these changes with the audience reality, showing that it is possible to succeed, as humans, in this new world. He connects to the audience in a way that we feel that there is space for both humans and technology to live together."
Tetra Pak, Brazil
Patricia Bastos, Communications Director
"In our Annual Meeting, we had Gerd with us (virtually). This meeting's motto was "It is up to you", looking forward to BA Glass future. It was fundamental to count on Gerd participation to take us into the Future. Gerd did an exciting presentation around the opportunities and risks we have in hand, reminding us that asking "how the Future will be?" is the wrong question. "The Future will be what we will make of it!", he wisely said. Thank you Gerd, for your enormous inspiration."
Sandra Santos, CEO
"Gerd allows the audience to travel to and from the future. The result remains long after the conference, when you rewind his presentations after a few years, and see it happening in front of your eyes. I had the pleasure to hire Gerd when I was at Pestana Hotel Group, and this specific event reached the highest score ever in 4 decades. Gerd is a pleasure to work with, and I highly recommend his services."
Nuno Pires, CEO
"Working with Gerd was an excellent experience, and he definitely pushed our executives’ thinking forward. Not only did he outline major technological and societal trends affecting our business, he did so in a way that was engaging and personal"
Inter Public Group
Adam Carroll, VP, Global Talent Management
"CommunicAsia was truly honored to have Gerd Leonhard as one of our keynote speakers for this year. Gerd’s addition to the Summit has been breathtaking and inspirational. His visionary address on The Next 5 years in Global Digital Transformation truly captivated the audience. Thank you for being with us!"
Singapore Exhibition Services
Jaime Ng, Conference Director
"Your presentation was a huge success. You managed to scare delegates to death and give them hope at the same time – quite a feat and exactly what they needed! Thank you also for crafting your ideas so that it tied very directly into our business, rather than being just a rehash of a standard presentation."
MGI Worldwide [London]
Clive Viegas Bennett, CEO
The Future is better than we think!