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Futurist Gerd Leonhard talks to Business Insider about cryptocurrency, the professions that will disappear over the next 20 years, and why he quit Facebook

Nice piece on my work:)


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Leonhard: Everyone should take responsibility for their business. Whatever you create as a tool, it can change culture and society and you are responsible for all consequences. Just like factory owners are responsible for environmental pollution.

lllLeonhard says: “So if you create an AI tool, you're responsible for safety implications and any other consequences of whatever you create.” Foto: / Gerd Leonhard / CC BY-SA 2.0

So if you create an AI tool, you're responsible for safety implications and any other consequences of whatever you create. Theoretically, the more you are connected to new technologies, the more vulnerable you are to loss of privacy, cybercrime and surveillance. Imagine everything you have is connected to a network — a fridge, an account, a house, a car etc. Anyone who owns this data could easily reproduce i





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