VIDEO and pdf download: my presentation at GESS 2020 Dubai
I enjoyed my time at GESSDubai. Here is the PDF with my slides-
DUBAI GESS 2020 Gerd Leonhard Technology Humanity Future of Education Public Deck lowres
Technology & Humanity, Jobs, Work and the Future of Education: the next 10 years: Our world will change more in the next 10 years than the previous 100 years, and the way we work will never be the same. A totally blended and diverse workforce, the gig economy as the new normal, virtual and remote work… and most 2030 jobs haven’t even been invented yet. What can we expect in the next 10 years, what are the opportunities and challenges that exponential technological progress will bring? What skills will we need, and how must education adapt to a world where machines are learning and ‘thinking’, and where 9 Billion people will be connected at almost unlimited bandwidth? The future is better than we think – IF….
UPDATE: this video just became available – click the button below to watch it!