New short film by Futurist Gerd Leonhard: The Great Transformation - life after Covid19
There is a time before Corona, and there is a time after Corona. We are entering what I call *The Great Transformation*. Huge challenges and many hardships are certain yet this total reset will also catalyse many new beginnings. (Watch the film directly on Youtube, or click PLAY below)
To quote Milton Friedman “Only a crisis – actual or perceived – produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around”
The key messages: Business as usual is over. This crisis is a test of our humanity. Scientific hyper-collaboration is now the new normal. The ‘United States of Europe’ are nearing. Politicians that have proven useless will be quickly ousted. The crisis will vastly accelerate the end of oil. Business travel will never be the same. Remote-everything is here, now, and won’t go ‘back to normal’. Technology is the winner – but must be used wisely. Collaborate. Re-invent. Take care of each other. Be HUMAN.
Read more on what to expect this year, here.

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via Wetransfer. Re-use is allowed as long as proper credit is given.
Download the Whatsapp version: WA FINAL Gerd-Leonhard-Futurist-Post-Corona-Future-Light