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Month: May 2020

Ομιλία Gerd Leonhard «Technology vs. Humanity» | Generali Hellas – new video with subtitles in Greek

Ποιος είναι ο ρόλος του Ανθρώπου σε μία νέα πραγματικότητα που γίνεται ολοένα και πιο ψηφιακή; Μπορεί η Τεχνολογία να συνυπάρξει με την ανάγκη μας για Ανθρώπινη Προσέγγιση και Επικοινωνία; Τι μας διαφοροποιεί από τις μηχανές και τι θα μας πάει μπροστά; Ποιος είναι ο ρόλος της ασφάλισης ενόψει αυτής της νέας πραγματικότητας;

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Stop asking pundits to predict the future after the coronavirus. It doesn’t exist (Mark Lilla via NYT)

"The best prophet, Thomas Hobbes once wrote, is the best guesser. That would seem to be the last word on our capacity to predict the future: We can’t. But it is a truth humans have never been able to accept. People facing immediate danger want to hear an authoritative voice they can draw assurance from; they want to be told what will occur, how they should prepare, and that all will be well. We are not well designed, it seems, to live in uncertainty. Rousseau exaggerated only slightly when he said that when things are truly important, we prefer to be wrong than to believe nothing at all"

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New video interview: Gerd Leonhard at Fundacion Telefonica #RepensandoElMañana #postcoronafuture

This is the edited version of my conversation with Christoph Steck, Telefonica Madrid, on the most important with/post-corona future scenarios also see my new page at This video is in ENGLISH (only the intro is in Spanish). The original video is here: Thanks to Christoph and Fundacion Telefonica for inviting me and making this recording available.

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20 minutes from the future with Gerd Leonhard (video via Impactscool)

“20 minutes from the future”: Impactscool online format created to stimulate debate and reflection on the #future even in this emergency time. On May 6, Gerd Leonhard, Futurist, Humanist and CEO of @The Futures Agency, will discuss with Cristina Pozzi and Andrea Dusi about the future scenarios after Covid-19 will end.

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