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Special Podcast: Rebalancing Our World – A Call to the Purpose Generation. Estoril Conferences 2022 Panel Preview with Gerd Leonhard

Based on the theme “Rebalancing Our World: A Call to the Purpose Generation”, the 2022 Estoril Conference will take place on 1-2 September 2022 at Nova SBE, Cascais, Portugal. Gerd will be giving a short keynote on The Good Future, and then join a panel. Here is a brief podcast with Gerd and 2 other panelists, previewing the event. Enjoy.

Rebalancing Our World: A Call to The Purpose Generation: for Planet, For People, For Peace. Gerd will be appearing as part of the ‘people' agenda on a panel entitled “What To Do Now That We Have The Power To Reach Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere?”

The panel conversation will focus on how to bring purpose to technology design, what future we want for the next generations and the key challenges in regards to ethical issues.

Visit the other panelist's profiles: Aashish Beergi and Lester Vargas and Brigette Hyacinth

(Gerd's Good Future Film, below)





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