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World’s Top 30 Futurist Professionals for 2024: Gerd Leonhard is #16

As humanity rushes headlong into a world first served and soon dominated by technology, futurism has become a burning issue for everyone, not just visionaries and geeks. Gerd Leonhard blends humanism with futurism to create manifestos and creative non-fiction that dramatically widens the franchise and audience for near-future exploration. His new book – Technology vs. Humanity – is a breakthrough work of provocation that alerts the world to the imminent ethical and moral choices we will all have to confront much sooner than expected.

A musician and creative by background, Leonhard has spent fifteen years living in the future, applying his insights and practical wisdoms to present-day dilemmas from the erosion of work life to the epidemic of digital obesity that threatens to destroy a generation. Founder of The Futures Agency, Gerd Leonhard travels the world delivering customized advice to enterprise and public organizations of all kinds – helping them to both understand their future choices and discover their ‘true future’.

Gerd’s books and essays are supported by an increasing array of multi-media features, including films and webisodes from his own boutique film studios. Together with the The Futures Agency advisory and speaking tours, these media properties constitute a unique quarry of groundbreaking insights for individuals and organizations in transformation. Besides Technology vs. Humanity, Gerd’s other books include The Future of Content, Friction is Fiction, and the bestselling title The Future of Music. He also contributed a key chapter to The Future of Business, edited by Rohit Talwar.

A member of the Royal Society for the Arts (London) as well as the World Future Society, Gerd’s client list includes Consumers International, YouTube, Nokia, The Guardian, Google, Sony-BMG, Telkom Indonesia, Siemens, RTL, ITV, the BBC, France Telecom, Orange, Deutsche Telekom, MTN, The Financial Times, DDB / TribalDDB, Ogilvy, Omnicom, the European Commission along with many other notable organizations.





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